Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Happy Deepavali

Biro Hindu Bandung sincerely wishes our warmest Happy Deepavali to all our members. May this festival of lights bring joy and prosperity to everyone. Thank You for all your support towards Biro Hindu, may our relationship and bond grow stronger & lasting !! Happy Deepavali to all

Some pictures from our prayers at 5 Star Temple, Thank You all for coming and making this a memorable celebration !!


And also, not forgetting. Here is our latest edition of Tattvatharshan magazine. This is a special Deepavali edition, with much info about the origin and myth or Deepavali. Hope everyone enjoys this edition. We hope for your continuous support for us. Thank you.


Thursday, 4 October 2012

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Vision and Mission


President's Speech

Vanakkam,It's a great pleasure and privilege for me to welcome all of you on behalf of the BIRO HINDU PKPMI BANDUNG 2012/2013.First of all I would like to thank PKPMI for their support to encourage the well being of religious students associations such as our BIRO HINDU.Biro Hindu Bandung  is established to unite all hindu students in Bandung,Indonesia under one student religious association and approach students in a religious way , empowering  them through education, religious activities  and organizational activities.All Hindu students in Bandung (UNPAD and ITB)are biro hindu members.Membership is free ..all the activities organized are done voluntarily by Biro Hindu Committee members…which are students themselves.Hinduism, the world's oldest religion, has no beginning,it precedes recorded history. It has no human founder. It is a mystical religion, leading the devotee to personally experience the truth within, finally reaching the pinnacle of consciousness where man and God are one.Tattvadarshan magazine is one of the way we approach students and provide them with religious information or facts. Biro Hindu bandung 2012/2013 had created Biro Hindu blog. Student who are at koas,Bandung and also included ITB students can view this blog.We will upload tattvadarshan magazine in our blog..please visit and make benefit use of our blog at: birohinducb.blogspot.com.Final words from me is that I hope students will participate in all our activities that we are going to organize..and good luck for your studies here knowly its hard.."Though time never last,but though people do”..thank you,take care...

Vice President 1 speech

Hello, n a warm welcome to the 1st years.. We meet again in the 1st edision of Tattvadarshan for thus semester, as the vice presiden of biro Hindu, I would like to convey my gratitude to God, for his Grace and Kindness, v r here pursueing our tertiery studies.. N being a part of Biro Hindu, always keep in mind, Tamilan Endre Sollada, Talai Nimarnte Nillada.. I hope we will move as 1 active and productive community here n return to our Mortherland with great success.. Thank you..

V.President 2 speech

Vanakkam,Our Hinduism is the oldest religion in the world.Hinduism does not promote the worship of one particular deity. A Hindu may worship one or many different manifestations of the divine.But Hinduism is not only about praying,its a complex of prayers,traditions and cultures.Im proudly saying that this is the purpose of TATTVADARSHAN,to expose to everyone our own cultures.I hope this magazine will unite us more,and will be very useful for all.Do well and believe in God,everything will be succesful.Thank you.

Organization Chart

ITB Representative




Monday, 17 September 2012

Tattvatharsan Magazine

Dear members, this is the first Tattvatharsan magazine for the 2012/2013 session year. Here's the download link of the softcopy, please help yourselves. Thank you for supporting Biro Hindu and keep checking the blog for future updates of our events and Tattvatharsan magazine. Thank You !!

here's the download link >> http://www.mediafire.com/?svwzadw2agntlkv